Starting a Nonprofit 4: What should your MVP look like?
How do you trim the fat when building your MVP? Here’s how we found out what features were essential and which were fluff.
Starting a Nonprofit 3: How to Find a Co-Founder
How do you go about finding co-founders for your project? Here’s how we went from 1 to 4 co-founders.
The Starting a Nonprofit Series
Here you will find all posts in the Starting a Nonprofit Series.
Happiness Playlists: How to Boost your Creativity and Eliminate Off-Days
Predictably alter your mood with a playlist specifically designed to boost your happiness.
Starting a Nonprofit 2: How to Effectively Contribute to a Cause
If you are passionate about a certain cause, then how do you best find meaningful and effective ways to contribute to that cause?
Starting a Nonprofit 1: What to Work on and Why?
Where do you start when you are on a mission to do the most good possible?